Miles Messenger - 1945

Miles M38 Messenger 4B
Year built- 1945
Engine: 145 HP Gipsy Major 10-2:
Speeds: Cruise 90 knots: Stall 35 knots
The Miles Messenger was originally designed to meet an un-official Army request for a low maintenance, slow speed air observation and liaison aircraft. Senior Army officials reacted badly to this insubordination and the Ministry refused to put the aircraft into production even though an AOP squadron had tested the prototype very successfully. Thankfully, in 1943 they relented and a small order of 21 were built as a VIP transport aircraft.
Another 71 were built post war for civilian use but G-AKVZ is the only genuine military Messenger flying at present, her military serial being RH427.
Fortunately the engine was changed from a Blackburn Cirrus Major to a de Havilland Gipsy Major in the 1950's
Owned for a while by McVitie & Price biscuit company in early 1950's then subsequently purchased by Philip Mann/Shipping & Airlines in the early 1970's. She was then placed in long term rebuild until completed & flown again in 1994.

A Short Guide to G-AKVZ
This is a short film made by one of our pilots here at Shipping and Airlines showing the A check procedure and a flight in our Milles Messenger G-AKVZ from Biggin Hill.